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Audio Sermons

A Costly Anointing


A Costly Anointing


Do you have a desire for a greater anointing on your life? Well, there's good news. You don't have to buy it or earn it. However, it IS going to cost you something. In this sermon Jan talks about each of the five ingredients of the anointing oil as mentioned in Exodus 5. She breaks down each ingredient and shares why all five are vital and necessary in order to carry the anointing of God. The good news is that those 5 ingredients are available to each and every one of us! Regardless of where life has taken you, you'll find that God has been working all things together for your good all along. So, if you don't have to buy it or earn it, what will the anointing cost you? Everything.

NOTE: This listing is for an instant download. You will not be shipped a physical copy. If you are interested in purchasing a physical CD of this sermon, please email

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