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Audio Sermons

This Is My Story


This Is My Story


Jan was miraculously healed of a rare birth defect at the age of seventeen. Her birth defect was the result of her mom's receiving very high doses of radiation and not knowing she was expecting. Jan was born with a tongue the size of a ten year old and had a large goiter on her neck.  She was not expected to live through the night. However, that night God sent a nurse by the name of Pearl Whitfield to Jan's bedside. She was not what some would consider an "intercessory prayer warrior", but she was a believer! Mark 16: 17 & 18 says "believers will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover". The nurse obeyed God and prayed these words over Jan throughout the night, "Baby, you're gonna live and not die and declare the works of God."  Nothing happened that night, but a delayed answer is not a denied answer! As Jan grew, the tongue grew. It was something she had learned to live with. She went through some very difficult times during the first seventeen years of her life, but two weeks before her eighteenth birthday, Jan received a creative miracle. She walked into a little Bible study with a rare birth defect she had had since birth and walked out completely, totally and physically healed.

Jan's story is captivating, encouraging and incredibly faith building! You will be reminded, once again, that there is NOTHING our God can't do!   

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