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Audio Sermons

You Still Don't Get It, Do You?


You Still Don't Get It, Do You?


Hosea was a man who knew what it meant to love completely and unconditionally. His wife, Gomer, couldn't understand that kind of love, much less receive it. She was a slave and Hosea had paid a high price for her to become his wife. However, she repeatedly went back to her old way of life. Each time Hosea was willing to buy her back. Jesus loves us the same way. Regardless of how badly or how many times we may have turned our backs on Him, He longs for our return. Sadly, there are many who can't understand that kind of unconditional love. They just don't get it. They feel unworthy. Through this message Jan shows how powerful, limitless and unending God's love really is. Regardless of how far you may have fallen, God has given up on you either.

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