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Media / Booking Information

Here you will find information concerning travel arrangements, hotel accommodations, and requests.
The information included here has been compiled to use as a guide and not as set requirements.


TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS / Travel arrangements are determined by the demand of Jan’s ministry schedule as well as the travel time required to and from each destination. Jan's travel will originate from Richmond, Virginia or Nashville, Tennessee, which is also determined by Jan's current schedule.

Airline Travel is required in most cases. Two round-trip airline tickets are necessary–one each for Jan and her administrative assistant. We ask that airline ticket purchases be handled as follows: 

  • Jan Aldridge Ministries will shop airline prices and flight schedules. We work very hard to find the best prices available and to secure what is most cost effective.

  • We will contact the host office to discuss the prices found as well as the flight itineraries.

  • Once a price and itinerary have been agreed upon, the airline tickets will be purchased by Jan Aldridge Ministries and a receipt e-mailed to you immediately. We then ask that the host church/ organization send a check for the total amount of the airline tickets PLUS an additional $100 to cover round-trip luggage fees to our office at your earliest convenience.

  • If the host office has a travel agent/agency that they prefer to work through, we welcome their involvement; however, we do ask that the flight itinerary be cleared with our office prior to purchasing.

Car Travel is applicable if the ministry destination can be driven within 5 hours (one-way) from the originating city and if Jan's ministry schedule will allow it. When traveling by car, gas receipts will be submitted upon arrival. We request that the total amount of those gas receipts be doubled to cover the expense of the return.

Note: We ask that all travel expense checks be made SEPARATE from the offering/honorarium check.

Expense checks should be made payable to Jan Aldridge Ministries and given at the same time as the offering/honorarium check. Any expense checks being sent in advance should be sent to the following address: Jan Aldridge Ministries, P. O. Box 1707, Mechanicsville, Virginia 23116

HOTEL + MEALS / Jan Aldridge Ministries requests that hotel and meal accommodations be provided for two people. We request one non-smoking room (two double beds). We prefer to leave the choice of hotel to the host church/organization; HOWEVER, we DO require that the hotel chosen be one that is clean, comfortable and reputable. It's helpful if the name of the hotel can be kept confidential whenever possible. In a hotel conference situation, we realize that Jan will probably be staying at the same hotel at which the conference is being held and where other attendees may also be staying. In these cases, we ask that the location of the room be kept confidential if possible.

OFFERINGS + HONORARIUMS / Jan does not request a set amount for offerings or honorariums. She trusts solely in God and the obedience and integrity of those that have scheduled for her ministry. She believes the principles He has set forth in His Word concerning the body of Christ taking care of those He has called to labor among them. (I Timothy 5:17-18I Corinthians 9:14)

We ask that one check be made payable to Jan Aldridge Ministries (Federal Tax ID Number: 76-04102 35/Group Exemption Number: 7204) for the full amount of the offerings or honorarium amount and given to Jan’s administrative assistant prior to their departure. If for any reason an expense check is being given at the same time, we ask that it be given in a separate check, also made payable to Jan Aldridge Ministries.

PRODUCT / Jan will have ministry products available for purchase (CDs, DVDs and books). At least one 8-foot table and two chairs will be needed. In some cases, two 8-foot tables may be necessary; however, this can be discussed prior to the ministry date(s). We ask that one person from the host church/organization be available to oversee the product table prior to each service. Jan’s administrative assistant will oversee the table after services. Usually, but not always, Jan will spend time at the product table once the alter service has concluded.

NOTE: If product is to be shipped directly to the church or conference facility, we will contact your office to make these arrangements in advance.

MEDIA RECORDINGS + DISTRIBUTION POLICIES / Jan Aldridge Ministries, Inc. does not object to the host church/organization obtaining an audio or visual recording of the services in which Jan ministers. However, if your church/organization plans to sell the recordings for profit, we request the sponsoring church/organization comply with these policies, terms and conditions:

  • The sponsoring church/organization must agree and understand that it has no express or implied rights to the use of the recorded materials for profit unless all proceeds from sales are deposited and used to financially benefit the sponsoring church/organization.

  • Jan Aldridge Ministries reserves the right to use the recording(s) in any manner that is appropriate within standard practice without compensatory consideration or obligation to the host church/organization.

  • By inviting Jan Aldridge to participate in your conference, event or service(s), you are agreeing to comply with the above-mentioned policies, terms and conditions.

CANCELLATION POLICY / We realize there are times when a cancellation or reschedule cannot be helped. However, if this becomes necessary in the case of your church or organization within three months of Jan's coming, we ask that you prayerfully consider the following and understand the heart behind what is being shared. Jan's ministry schedule is generally booked six months to a year in advance or more. For this reason, and in most cases, the ministry date(s) you cancel will not be picked-up by another church or organization within that time frame. As you can imagine, this would put a financial hardship on any ministry, any family or any business. While Jan does not require a set amount to come, neither does she request a deposit to secure your ministry dates. She schedules in good faith. We ask that you cancel or reschedule in good faith as well. We much appreciate your being mindful of the financial responsibilities faced by this ministry if a cancellation becomes necessary.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to call our office at 804.730.7596. We welcome the opportunity to help you in any we can.